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Monday, December 4, 2006

Hey guys, i'm back and better than ever. I know alot of you guys don't like me, i don't like you too. Anyway, due to stupid jet lag, I'm awake at 6 and it feels like the afternoon and no one is online, so i could be bothered to write a post.

Well, after my trip i thought i could share with the class some interesting pictures i've taken.

ch-ch-ch-ch-chee-check it out,

huhuhu. The Palace Of Versailles. Theres some sort of construction or repairing upfront, doubt you can see it though.

i don't know what room this is, but its huge, and there's more of these rooms... the whole palace is enormous!

The ceiling of some sort of stage. This stage is meant for piano performances.

This is erm... some balcony overlooking another stage. That stage is meant for performances of the organ, i guess.

These are paintings on the ceilings of certain rooms, Queens bedroom etc etc. All these paintings are different in other rooms.

Thats all folks. We didn't get alot of pictures inside cause most of the rooms didn't allow cameras, and the lighting is pretty bad in certain areas.

If you guys want some more pictures uploaded into the blog tell muah si buble. If there is demand, there would be supply =\

Signing out,


2:30 PM

We're never apart!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

hi everyone! just want to share with all of you a video i created... a 2 mins video clip... in fact it just a photo gallery only la...

- Nigel

3:00 AM

We're never apart!

Friday, December 1, 2006

first and foremost, i am sooo sorry for being so muddle-head! i dunno if you people are confused but i surely am! i got mixed up with all our email addresses and there's different emails for different purpose. but our main email is stil foureone-forever@hotmail.com! okay. i think our class email is a little malfunctioning, and i dunno why. perhaps it's too slow and troublesome, so now that this blog is done up, hooray! we can discuss class outings thru here! (: i guess so many pple would be working over the hols so let us all write down our available dates and we'll try to work out a day to hang out together alright! woo! i cant wait! okokie. everyone, continue blogging okae! blog whatever you want, even if you've nothing to say, also can blog and tell us you got nothing to say. lololol! so lame. okie, going off. anyways, we can also upload our photos into this blog. so cool right! haha. okay. bye people! (:

lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of love, marleneee =D

2:00 AM

We're never apart!